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William Gomez





William is a serial entrepreneur and cofounded The Block Runner podcast with notable interviews with Andreas Antonopoulos, John McAfee and several figures in the crypto space.

William's bio:

William is a serial entrepreneur and cofounded The Block Runner podcast with notable interviews with Andreas Antonopoulos, John McAfee and several figures in the crypto space. Upon starting the podcast, he cofounded MetaZone which is a user generated marketplace of apps deployable in the metaverse in 2019. MetaZone has pioneered deployable businesses as NFTs, distributed play-to-earn games, and fueling a digital nation through an open metaverse.

William's Tess-timonial:

I was introduced to Tess Hau through my network and right off the bat I learned that Tess is a naturally helpful and empathetic person. She was quick to offer her resources and direction at the drop of a hat. She has been the most available to answer questions and guidance throughout our journey building in the crypto space. She establishes relationships and is able to bring value to each individual. When you’re as connected as Tess is, she remains generous with her time. Her super power is her ability to grow relationships and connect you with her network quickly while maintaining a personal connection to each person she meets.

Her team is also extraordinary. She has a team working around the clock which is critical since the crypto space never sleeps. Her legal team is stationed in several timezones and are readily available to help execute documents at a moment’s notice. This has proven to be instrumental in closing deals since much of the investment community is at the mercy of market conditions which have wild fluctuations.

Tess being a serial entrepreneur adds tremendous perspective on investing, generating revenue, cultivating a community, and preparing for a round of funding. She is able to contribute via many angles as she has experience in the full spectrum of startups. Tess is able to prepare entrepreneurs to understand what each party expects when raising funds and she is always ready to help close deals. She has shown to predict market conditions as well with surprising accuracy! If you need to manage your treasury, Tess’ wisdom here has proven to be critical in surviving the crypto winter.

Strategy is the most important component in all facets of the crypto industry. Tess has seen everything and she’s able to take effective strategies and apply them to your unique situation. This experience has helped me take large leaps in the right direction rather than spending time on trial and error which has an immense cost for a startup.

Its been an honor and a privilege to call Tess family and I can not recommend enough how valuable her relationship has been. Thank you and I would be lucky to bring half as much value as she has provided.